Pet Care

Insured. Bonded. Trustworthy.

Specializing in Dog Walking, Cat Vacations & Check-In Services

Plants & Produce

With a focus on ensuring quality soil, we do not use any chemicals or artificial fertilizers. Care taken from seed to harvest for best quality in plant starts from seed to harvest. Plants for sale as well as produce, see current Service Area Map.

Currently growing lettuce, sugar snap peas, basil, dill, parsley, oregano and much, much more ! Multiple heirloom tomato varieties availble soon.

Lucky Paws & Plants LLC

How to get Plants & Produce 


With your Pet Care Visit

If you are a current customer, let me know what you would like from our availability post on Face book, and will leave it right for you in your home during a scheduled pet care visit 


Delivery to Service Areas

See service area MAP ABOVE on where I am out and about currently! If you live near-by and are interested in produce or pet services-please text or call for a chat


Pick up at our Homestead

Located near Potters Lake, WI in East Troy. Happy to have you come see where your food comes from. Hard to miss from the road, Garden in front yard 

Follow Face book

Will be posting on Face book produce availability.  Produce will be fresh, ready to devour. Please feel free to reach out via Text or Call if you are curious on what is available. Happy to help

Lucky Paws & Plants LLC

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Lucky Paws & Plants LLC

Current Service Areas